Jhulan Goswami , a renowned Indian women's cricket player. She is a fast bowler who made significant contributions to Indian women's cricket, known for her exceptional pace and has achieved numerous milestones and accolades, including being named the ICC Women's Cricketer of the year in 2007. Kolkata. West Bengal This project was commissioned by UNWOMEN.

Through her visionary leadership, Larishisha championed the cause of forest conservation, recognizing the invaluable role of these natural ecosystems in sustaining biodiversity and fostering a healthier, more sustainable world. Shillong / Meghlaya This project was commissioned by UNWOMEN.

Jhulan Goswami , a renowned Indian women's cricket player. She is a fast bowler who made significant contributions to Indian women's cricket, known for her exceptional pace and has achieved numerous milestones and accolades, including being named the ICC Women's Cricketer of the year in 2007. Kolkata. West Bengal This project was commissioned by UNWOMEN.
Paromita Chatterjee/Documentary Photographer